
As I've gotten older, I have begun to realize I have a strong focus on trying to make people's lives easier. Whether it's something as simple as grabbing a glass of water for my wife or developing an analysis of a prospective client's investment portfolio, that focus is where this blog began.

I want to help people feel informed, comfortable, and secure with their finances and investments; to develop a good base of financial understanding to confidently sit down with a financial planner and discuss their future. 

Much of the information on this site can be found in countless other places. But, the information from the perspective of a millennial - the generation who continues challenging the status quo (good or bad) - can open up new ways to think about things. Not to say this generation is better than others, but with how fast the world is changing why not read about things from the perspective of someone whose future will be most affected?

I hope this blog can be a space for all people, from beginners to experts, to learn something new, to get questions answered, and to start feeling informed and confident about their finances. 

~Uninformed Investor

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